Still life
Here you can see some of my pictures of the category Still life.
More pictures you can find in my online gallery: ... to my gallery
You have some nice ideas of your own special still live picture?
With pleasure I would like to paint a still live picture in oel, acrylics, pastel or aquarelle as a painting on commission for you.
Simply use my contact form to get in touch with me.
Could there be a place in your home, that waits for a picture with your favourite flowers?
More pictures you can find in my online gallery: ... to my gallery
You have some nice ideas of your own special still live picture?
With pleasure I would like to paint a still live picture in oel, acrylics, pastel or aquarelle as a painting on commission for you.
Simply use my contact form to get in touch with me.
Could there be a place in your home, that waits for a picture with your favourite flowers?

Stillleben von Petra Rick
2011 - Aquarell

Lilien und Anemonen
Stillleben von Petra Rick
2011 - Aquarell

Zur goldenen Hochzeit
Stillleben von Petra Rick
2009 - Pastell

Korb mit Feldblumen
Stillleben von Petra Rick
2008 - Acryl

Stillleben von Petra Rick
2007 - Oel

Stillleben von Petra Rick
2007 - Pastell

moderner Strauß
Stillleben von Petra Rick
2006 - Oel

Stillleben von Petra Rick
2006 - Oel