Here you can see some of my pictures of the category Other.
More pictures you can find in my online gallery: ... to my gallery
In this category I would like to present you some examples of my work for illusion painting but also for painted objects (e.g. painted stones).
Do you have a special wish?
Then simply use my contact form to get in touch with me.
Maybe you have a fantastic idea, that waits for realization.
More pictures you can find in my online gallery: ... to my gallery
In this category I would like to present you some examples of my work for illusion painting but also for painted objects (e.g. painted stones).
Do you have a special wish?
Then simply use my contact form to get in touch with me.
Maybe you have a fantastic idea, that waits for realization.

Illusionsmalerei - Küchenschrank
Malerin Petra Rick
2016 - Acryl

bemalter Kürbis
Malerin Petra Rick
2016 - Acryl

bemalter Kürbis
Malerin Petra Rick
2016 - Acryl

bemalter Pokal
Malerin Petra Rick
2016 - Oel

bemalte Weihnachtskugel
Malerin Petra Rick
2016 - Acryl

bemalte Weihnachtskugel
Malerin Petra Rick
2016 - Acryl

bemalte Weihnachtskugel
Malerin Petra Rick
2016 - Acryl

Vorlage Tattoo
Malerin Petra Rick
2015 - Graffiti

Illusionsmalerei - Badgestaltung
Malerin Petra Rick
2012 - Acryl

Illusionsmalerei - Wand in einem Pflegeheim
Malerin Petra Rick
2013 - Acryl

Illusionsmalerei - Hundehütte
Malerin Petra Rick
2014 - Acryl

Illusionsmalerei - Garagentor
Malerin Petra Rick
2015 - Acryl

Illusionsmalerei - Tisch
Malerin Petra Rick
2015 - Acryl

bemalte Gartenbank
Malerin Petra Rick
2015 - Oel

bemalte Steine
Malerin Petra Rick
2014 - Oel und Acryl

bemalte Gießkanne - Rosi
Malerin Petra Rick
2011 - Acryl

bemalter Eimer - Boxer und Blumen
Malerin Petra Rick
2011 - Acryl

Frohe Weihnachten
Malerin Petra Rick
2010 - Acryl

bemalte Truhe - Liebespaar
Malerin Petra Rick
2011 - Acryl

bemalter Übertopf
Malerin Petra Rick
2010 - Acryl und Metallfarbe

Malerin Petra Rick
2005 - Pastell
Das Bild entstand in Anlehnung an die Buchserie "Ayla" von Jean M. Auel

Science fiction
Malerin Petra Rick
2004 - Pastell